Saturday, April 19, 2008


Do any of you know who Thespis is?

The king of theatre, founder of acting itself.

I'm not sure he ever even close to imagined acting like it is today. I may or may not have mentioned that I joined the school Spring Play. It's pretty fun, but it's rather difficult. The times of the practices are usually 3:30 to 6:00 PM, but the play's almost here and we're doing night practices now - 6:30 to 10:00.

The acting is fun, but it's hard work. One of the reasons I have been posting much is because I've been running lines. This week and weekend is our performance week, and I doubt I will get anything done but acting. Today is our first performance for the Senior Class. I have a semi-large role. But I'm not nervous. I'm ready.

The play's called "Totally Over You", and it's about four boyfriends who get dumped by their girlfriends who want to date celebrities. The boyfriends then proceed to trick the girls into thinking that they are celebrities. It's a comedy.

If anyone in the area would like to see it, it's everyday from Thursday to Saturday at 7:00 PM and Noon on Sunday. I'll see you out there.

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