Friday, December 7, 2007

A difference

-Barilan's map of the Internet-

I keep wondering whether or not anybody really reads this blog. I can't really count family and friends, but I'm wondering if someone would look at my blog and say to themselves, This guy is good. I'd like to read about him and his life daily. I'm worried that the answer is no.

I've had two comments so far, and one of them was by my older brother while the other was from a classmate, so I can't really count them. That kind of goes for a lot of things. When you're skilled at something, you're only really skilled if you actually have people you don't know that think that. Of course my friends will tell me I'm good at something, but I need a really neutral point of view to assess myself accurately.

I guess I shouldn't worry about it too much. Such is the nature of blogging after all. My uncle blogs, and his link is up on my side menu. He says alot of really good stuff on the matter, and I would suggest you take a glimpse at his page to get a picture of an expertly crafted blog.

But I'm not going for expert writing. I don't know waht I'm going for. But I do know that I want people reading, for better or for worse. Andl I know is that you don't get a huge successful blog overnight. So I write daily, and hope that people read as such. But I rather doubt it. But who knows? Anything can happen on the World Wide Web.

"A person sits alone at his computer and presses “publish,” while across the country, a restless reader closes out a window and moves on to another blog…" - Switch 2 Plan B (Brian Cieslak)


Dan said...

Lately, I like to scroll through the Boise blogs, becasue really, that's were all the cool blogs come from :)

~Silver said...

Ok I know it's been almost a year, since this post, but just thought I'd let you know I like this blog, and you seem like an interesting person to read about, and I haven't even met you. So yeah, L8r.