Thursday, November 1, 2007


As I was making some of the final touches to my halloween entry from yesterday, I found that I had no labels for any of my posts. I spent the better part of the hour figuring out what labels should go to each post. But I finally had my posts, labeled and finished, pictures and quotes and all.

But then I looked at my profile. I looked up in the corner. 12 views. 12? that was more than I had actually expected. I was quite happy with myself, and went back to check one of my posts. When I came back, it was 13. Confused, I took another look at my posts. I went back to my profile and checked again. 14 views. Crap.

At this point I realized that most of the views so far were either me, or planned by me, I.E. me showing friends. Well that's just great! I've put my heart and soul into one-a-day serving sizes and the only person who looks at it is me! Besides, the only views that really count are the truly random ones, people who don't know you at all but read your blog anyway. As far as I can tell, I haven't had any of those.

The net's just too damn big. Even if I do this same thing for a year or too, I'm still not going to get much along the lines of public acknowledgement. Of course, I'm not the only one. Take a look at Neil Cicieraga. Great online musician, does great music videos, and yet if I mention him to twenty people, none of them know him. Well that's kind of discouraging. I'd probably do better if I told you sensational lies about Justin Timberlake's love life.

But that's not me. So I'll just keep on working on my peaceful, personal, daily meditations, and write them as best I can. Maybe I'm exaggerating. It's only been four days. (counting down the days until my first comment...)

The NET is a waste of time, and that's exactly what's right about it.- William Gibson