(The House In McCall)
It's Thursday. Today, at lunch, my parents whisked me away so we could spend the rest of the week and weekend in McCall with some of my relatives. This was easier said than done; lunch was a total mess. It was tip-off takedown week (some ping-pong club tourney thing) and they had a 'mix-it-up lunch'. Basically, we were supposed to sit at random, assigned seats so that we sat next to new people. The prize was ice cream, but as I was leaving, I was able to convince Mr. Vitrano to give me the benefit of the doubt and packed me with a popsicle.
I climbed into the car and we started heading out. Before going, I met up with my family back at home and had a little lunch. By the way, the extended family is Brian, my uncle and author of Switch 2 Plan B, Julie, his wife, Billy, their son, and Annie, their daughter. All in all a completely enjoyable family. We had tomato soup and shuffled into our cars to start the long drive toward McCall.
The drive usually takes about two hours on an unnerving road. That is to say, nearly half of the drive is a couple of feet from a rushing river, sharp rocks, death, death, and more death. But I'm of course used to this and soon fell asleep and woke up in McCall two hours later, parked next to our cabin.
Shortly following the unpacking, we got into our ski clothes and yet again scuffled into the car, off to The Activity Barn. It's this nice little tubing hill a few miles from McCall. You go really friggin' fast, trust me. I feel sorry for Annie - she really didn't enjoy it. It's just that none of those guys were really used to the snow (They're Californians). As opposed to me, who has always been a skiier and always had white winters. It really makes a difference.
At any rate, we went home, freezing and wet, after about an hour or so of tubing. We plan to do something fun tomorrow as well. I can't wait...
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