Tuesday, March 11, 2008

A New Approach

There's an old saying that's part of the skiier's code, and it say "respect gets respect." And gradually I've learned how true that is and how well it applies to blogging (yes, it's another entry about blogging...).

The thing is, blogging's like a community. And someone who's never seen out in public probably won't be go winning awards or recognitions. No, I've seen that some of the most successful ones (in terms of views and links and such) have been those that were active citizens in that commmunity. The guys that scrolled through "next blog" on the toolbar half a dozen times and finally found an admirable website, left a comment, and then kept looking for more - they seem to be doing the best (of course this doesn't guarantee anything if the blog's no good, but works for the most part with good writers). And you know why?

Whenever a comment is left on a post, you can bet a fortune that the author of the post's gonna take a look at the profile that left it. You want to know who was complementing you (or bashing you), right? And if the author likes what he sees in terms of the commenter's blog, then chances are he'll leave his own comment. And if these two really like each other's stuff, than voila! Links ahoy!

Now this is not to take the emphasis off the work and talent that goes into writing posts, but rather to encourage people to read and comment on other blogs to spur the growth of their own. Because one would have to be a downright Dickens to just get famous on the Internet without friends and without links. Which I'm not. And since Google doesn't actually recognize me when I search my blog, I'm just gonna have to find some friends and make some links. An author's got to read, after all.


brian said...

Good luck with the head shaving today! Stand firm!

Bronte said...

joe babe hows it goin have a good weekend so far??? c u at school,
i'm excited 2 c ur head bald, mm bye!
