Monday, March 31, 2008

Foreshadowing The Summer

Ah, Boise in the Summertime.....

Well It's Monday. Again. And we all know what that means. Spring Break's over. Pack away the skis and the kites and the Wii and break out the books. What fun.

But we all have to face it at some point. School will come again, no matter how much a student groans about it. The only thing we can do is enjoy the breaks we get and try to do well as always.

I spent my Spring Break at home. I didn't go on a trip or anything, just hung out with friends around town and went to the Y and that sort of thing. Part of this was because Mom wanted us to be around to watch after Dad, and the other part was just that nobody really felt like going on a trip to anywhere. I've got a feeling this past week has been a glimpse of what summer will be like for me. An appetizer to keep me content for the rest of the school year. And then comes the entree, the jewel of every teen's year.

I haven't said anything about my plans for this summer, have I? Will luckily, I'm not terribly busy with anything, but just enough to keep me from spending too long doing any one thing. First off, every morning, starting at the beginning of the summer, I will have to get up early and bike, in the cold, to Lowell Pool for swim team. After an hour of swimming, I will shower, dress, and probably bug Troy before going back to my house to bug my parents. And once every few months, we'll have a swim meet (painful ritual - you spend hours and hours bored out of your mind so you can spend approximately two minutes of actual time in the water). Second off, on top of that, I will take part in "The Cabin", a local writing seminar for teens and kids. It will take place all week and we will probably check out some of the cool nature spots around Boise, especially near Camelsbak and the Greenbelt. Thirdly, I am signed up for an exciting two weeks at Camp Orkilah, a YMCA camp in the San Juan Islands. I took part in this camp last year, but to a lesser extent - I spent one week at the camp plus one overnight. This time around I will be spending a week at the camp and a week kayaking. Yeah, kayaking. It's gonna be great. I hope I can take some great photos while I'm up there.

And so begins the countdown to summer. It's approximately eight more weeks of school. And with each passing day I think about all the cool stuff that I will get to do this summer. The clock's ticking, and each tick will me remind of what's to come.


Bronte said...

hey joe! have fun over summer! gonna miss u tho, only about 8 weeks till i go :( ill read ur pst tho so take pics kk?!

~Silver said...

Sounds like you had a pretty laid back spring break, oddly enough reading about your spring break made me think of last years spring break when I stayed home drinking tea all day...don't ask me why I thought of that I just did. Anyways you seem to have a good summer planned out this year, between san juan and what boise looks like, your in for a nice summer. Well L8r and Good Luck.

P.S. I hope you can get pics on your kiyaking trip, it would be so cool to see what it's like?

Bronte said...

ooo who's silver vara