Wednesday, March 19, 2008


I have apparently zero control over my money flow. I try to ration my money throughout the month so I have enough for lunches but still can afford a big purchase at the end of the month. The secret to saving money here is streamlining. 0A lot of the stuff someone gets in a month is completely unnecessary. Streamlining is recognizing the pointless stuff and avoiding it.

You'd be surprised how much this can do. If I do it right, then I'll only spend $10 in a week on lunches. That means about $40 a month. My budget's $100 a month. So if I just paid for my simple lunches, I would have $60 for movies, games, eBay, whatever.

Of course, it's not so easy just to spend money on simple $2 lunches. Just today, I was walking around with $14 dollars in my pocket. Keep in mind that's more than 10% percent of my entire budget. After a lunch, a Subway dinner, and a battle of the Rockband all in that day, my wallet was dry.

I just need to stop spending so much and start saving more. Easier said than done.


Bronte said...


Michael Moriarty said...

joe, you have struck upon a fundamental problem addressing the economic problems of this country. You are already ahead of the majority of the adults in this country in your realization that it is vital to save money and essential to abstain from frivolous extravagences. You, however, are exactly like the average american family, sitting with $7,000 of credit debt, living outside your means; in the sense that you will waste your money... that 60 bucks at the end of the month, save it man. by summer time thats nearly 200 bones man. The instant gratification mentality of our culture creates individuals that live far outside their means only because they feel they are entitled to it.
i am not suggesting you are like that, you arent. anyways, im going to stop rambling. but seriously, video games fade. But financial security is priceless. ha