Sunday, March 23, 2008

100th Post!

Well everyone, here it is. My 100th post.

I don't know what to say here. I'm glad I've made it this far. I don't want to act like I've just gotten an award or something, I just want to say thanks to all of the people that kept me blogging.


Well, 100 posts, that's quite a milestone to pass. I've been aiming for it ever since I started. Every single one of my posts has the label alcatraz014 so that you can easily see just how many posts I've done. And now I'm finally in the triple-digits. I wonder, in seven or so years, will I be celebrating my 1000th post? Who knows?

At any rate, I'm really glad for all of my readers, so thanks Brian. Thanks Calvin. Thanks Silver. Thanks Bronte. Thanks Zack. Thanks Micheal. Thanks Seth Remling. Thanks all of you at BK who occasionally read me in your Computer Apps while you're trying to get to my game links. Thanks to all of you.

And to celebrate this, I am finally registering myself a domain. I will now be!

Well I guess I'll just keep blogging now that I've made it this far. Keep reading!