Thursday, February 21, 2008

A Photo Post

I've gotten into the habit of carrying my camera around with me to try to find good photo oppurtunities. And now I've got a lot of pictures to get off my memory card. So here we go.

Last weekend I had the TEAMS competition. I forget what the acronym means, but it's a huge test that fried our brains.

The TEAMS room, with all the people in it.

Our team with Zack, Bronte, Payton, Richie, and me.

After several hours, we looked like this...

Or worse, like this...

The whole Junior Varsity TEAMS participants, as well as Doctor Neznanski, our C. Phys. teacher. He's funny as all hell, I'll have to get him to write something sometime.

A week later came a busy weekend. First off I had to play keyboard with the band at the basketball game

The school band (which I'm in) played at the school's basketball championship. Here's everyone who was there.

Here's another picture of us playing...

Last one... by the way, band is really fun. We play really fun songs like Jump (Van Halen) and The Final Countdown (Europe) and plenty of others.

After that, I went and saw Jumper. It was like 10:00 PM before it started.


All that was Friday. Saturday was the Junior Varsity Hockey Championship. This was what I've been waiting for.

We lost.


Oh well. It kind of sucked, but we did make it to the championship. And as a note, Boise (the team we played) had 14 players. We had 8. Plus the refs were totally on their side. Closely following that, I went to the Hallissey Mass. Hallissey is a local inter-Catholic School basketball tournament. My brother took part in it so we went to the mass.

This will give you a little bit of an idea of what the church looked like. Really nice church.

Well that was Saturday. To top it off, I got hurt at the game so I could hardly walk. So Sunday I took a little bit of rest. I did go to the Discovery Center, though. But I don't have any pictures from that, sorry. Monday though, I felt quite a bit better, so I went skiing with my brother Andy and my friend Troy. We found that most of the kids from the hockey team were up there, and we skiied with them.

Bus ride up...

It was a beautiful day out.

Here's most of the hockey team in snowboarding gear. We had a lot of fun and went to the backside several times.

And finally, I got back home from my incredible weekend. I was almost looking forward to school by the time that I finally finished. That can't be good... Oh well. That was my photo post.


Calvin C. said...
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Calvin C. said...

Sounds like a pretty packed weekend.

You look so much different from when I saw you last.

That was, of course, at least three years ago.

Bronte said...

hey joe! whats up

cool post
i liked all the pics accept the one of me! its just perfect. me sleepning haha its ok tho but anyways c u on monday


Bronte <3