Monday, February 25, 2008

Keeping My Mind Off Things

With all that's been going on lately, I've been looking for fun, comforting things to keep me occupied and distracted. There's two things really.

One is that my blog is doing quite well. This used to be kind of a pressure, but these days it's more of a relief and convinces me to write well. Positive feedback and new readers have done me and my writing well. I'm glad that after these months of writing I'm finally getting more readers.

The second distraction, is, of course, video games. I confess; I am quite a nerd. And quite a Nintendo fan actually. Since my Wiimote sensor bar is low on battery, I've gone back to a few of the Gamecube games. Most of all, Pikmin. And I've noticed something. Nintendo has either:
A.) A boatload of creativity
B.) A boatload of drugs.
When you've been a fan as long as I have, you'll realize how true this is.

At any rate, getting my mind off things did have repercussion. Fast forward. It's 11:00. I'm lying in bed because I can't get to sleep. Suddenly I realize something. An English that's about half my grade is due tomorrow. Son of a...

So I dragged my nauseous, teary ass out of bed and dragged it downstairs to start writing. And two hours later, after finishing, I dragged my ass back upstairs. It still took me a half-hour to get to sleep. You'd think I'd be tired. Just need more sleep...

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