Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Junior Varsity Semifinals

Well, my hockey season's about at and end and we've finally made it to the playoffs, and more specifically, the semifinals. We were set up to play Eagle High on Saturday at 6:15 P.M. When we arrived, we saw the other semifinals game going on on our ice rink while we were to get dressed and get ready for the game. This one was Boise vs. Meridian.

Let me give you a little background on these two teams. Boise's the best team in the league, according to the stats. And Meridian's exactly the opposite - they're basically the worst team in the league with mostly eighth graders and a few freshmen sprinkled in. So of course, we rooted for Meridian.

At any rate, they tied, due to an official confusion, they'll be finishing they're OT tomorrow. I wonder how they'll do. After sitting in the locker room for 15 minutes with the team, thinking, trying to prepare ourselves for the game ahead. The coaches finally called us out onto the ice and we warmed up.

Let me fastforward. It's 3-1 us, and my linemate, Andrew, is skating up to take the shot. I'm trailing close behind to try to get a rebound. He takes a shot about twelve feet from the net. It bounces off at a perfect angle, and I switch and backhand the rebound in. Goal. First (probably) only goal of the season, and of course it would be in the playoffs.

The second instance of interest was when me and Andrew again ended up on a rush. We were at the blue line and the puck glided up between us. We looked at each other, and, instantaneously, we knew who was going to take the puck. I did, and I missed, but I did draw a penalty when one of the opponents threw a stick at me.

At any rate, all of us, including me, played a great game, and we won, 5-3. Technically I also scored the game-winning goal. So at any rate, we did well. I can't wait til next week. We'll kick some ass!

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