Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Lean On Me

I never really saw myself as somebody that people would run to, but apparently I was wrong.

I've found myself in a position where I've become several people's confidants. It's interesting, but it's also quite a bit of responsibility. I felt good that I wouldn't have to deal with a lot of stupid freshmen relationships and problems when I got used to being a sophomore. People were more mature. Not by much, but at least we weren't freshmen.

But, I've found that many of my friends are freshmen, which means i still have to deal with their ridiculous antics. I don't mind it really. It makes me feel wise. I even have to deal with some of my own classmates occasionally too. It's usually relationships that I end up trying to intervene in, and usually I talk to the guy. I don't know as many of the girls.

Now don't get me wrong. I'm not really some busybody going around trying to fix people's lives. It's not like that. But when something needs to be said, I'm gonna be the one to stand up and say it. I'll try to be soft. A lot of problems between people come down to a simple misunderstanding. I'll let them know the problem, and let them consider it. Just to make sure that they're aware of what's going on, what other people are thinking.

It's entertaining really.

I don't understand why people would want to confide in me specifically. Personally I seem like a bad candidate for such a thing. But apparently that's just me, because I have often found myself offering advice to a troubled person as best I can, on everything to music to girls to depression. Somebody recently told me I should be a psychologist.

I guess I'm a comforting person. Ha. Alright. I just try to be there, I suppose....

1 comment:

brian said...

Well, as long as it's entertaining...

Can't really understate the entertainment value of this sort of stuff...