Sunday, May 3, 2009


Alright, I'm not claiming to be mature, but I do think that I'm becoming more mature. I can just feel it.

I can't talk about everything on my blog, or even most things, for the obvious reasons, as well as some reasons not so obvious, but I think I'm going to start changing my ways. For the better.

The problem about trying to gauge maturity, is that who am I to say? I mean, last year, I thought I was mature, but this year I know how wrong I was. I can just hope that I'm maturing somewhat. I certainly feel like I'm more mature. But there really isn't just anyway to tell.

A sign for me that perhaps I am maturing is that I'm looking at my friends differently. Behaviors that used to seem fine now look almost obnoxious.

Obviously things are changing.

I probably should've expected as much, being a teenager and all. It feels more dramatic than I expected, though. Maybe, just maybe, I'm growing up a little. Sometimes I forget I'm still just a kid.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Maturity is for squares. Seriously. Maturity, by itself, is useless. Besides, most people don't even know what maturity is. I mean, some games are rated "mature", but you might think them very immature. Basically, don't try to be more "mature". That's stupid. Just try to be a better person.