Friday, November 28, 2008

Saving Up

I've managed to spend virtually nothing all this month. And it's almost December. Which means, with my $100/month allowance, I'm going to have $200 Dec. 1st. The reason for me saving up like this is that I plan to get my little brother, Andy, something special for Christmas.

I've got it all in twenties. It makes me reluctant to spend any of it, which is a good thing. Anyway, the other day there was a jean day at my school. Kids got to wear jeans so long as they gave a dollar. The money went towards someone in Oregon who had recently lost a 5 - month old child. I would have, and seriously considered donating towards it, but that meant I would have to break a twenty, which I was reluctant to do. So, I skipped it.

Bad move. Later that day, a girl called me out on it, angry that I hadn't donated money. I thought it was pretty ridiculous that she was getting mad at me, but I did feel bad. So, when somebody offered me a couple of dollars to do some Algebra homework for him, I agreed. Later I gave donated the money towards the cause.

Moral of the story is that there is no black and white as far as morality concerned. The whole day was a gray area for me. I wonder, if higher powers ever examine my life and look at that day, will they figure that I did right, or that I did wrong?


Michael Moriarty said...

Joe my dear friend. I am happy to see you considering moral implications. While it might be construed as immoral to do someone else's homework, you used the money for a good cause. While it might seem immoral not to donate in the first place, it was becuase you were saving up for a selfless gift. Morality cannot be a absolute. I know those who would condemn both your choices based on morality, and others who would appluad your decisions based on a different morality.
I think it a bad idea to propone a life without morality. A rule however, that can substitute for an absolute moral code and that has within it the ability to change upon circumstance and individual perceptions/viewpoints is "keep on trucking, but only if your brothers and sisters would dig it, too" (a bohemian variation on the golden rule, dig it man, dig it)
oh yea, and i dont know if andy reads your blog. but wouldnt that mean you ruined the surprise?

Anonymous said...

bloggers are noobs at piano

Anonymous said...