Thursday, November 20, 2008


Well let's see the pros and cons of my week:

Pro: I've been working on Mondays. I now have twelve chapters done, nine typed, and it will be multi-part novel.

Con: There has been no band this week. At all.

Pro: I'm doing the film project with some of the drama kids. I may also be recording the music for it.

Con: The band performance from Friday wasn't very good, and I almost got a penalty. Stupid headphones....

Pro: My friend Stephen and I are now hall performing on Fridays - Stephen on the violin and me on the guitar. It's way fun.

Con: According to the office, the Christmas concert is supposed to be like December second or something, which is ridiculously early. We haven't even started working on it. We don't even have the music for it yet, really.

Pro: I finished a couple of scores this week (Light and Day by the Polyphonic Spree).

Con: I'm going to see Twilight this Friday (Please, please, don't ask why).

Pro: I may or may not be getting somebody to help me continue my young wizards graphic novel/comic idea. (if you're curious, see if you can do some research and dig up what I'm talking about)

Con: Andy's bike has been stolen, and mine needs a new tube.

Pro: I've managed to spend next to no money this month. I've currently got one hundred and one dollars in my pocket. I'm saving up for something cool.

Con: Life Sucks.

Pro: Life's Great.

1 comment:

Bronte said...

ha i love the end.

sweet job on the music good hoice i like that too

miss ya!
