Tuesday, May 20, 2008

My Avuncular Friend Brian

Well my avuncular friend came to visit last week, mostly to visit Gary and help out our family. While he was there, he was a big help - he drove me to school, helped with the dishes, took Gary to therapy, and more. He was a big help to say the least.

And of course it's always interesting to see my Uncle Brian. He's just such a character. Having a conversation with him is truly like a battleground. He plays with words and cynicism and humor like no other man I know can. It's... inspiring.

Brian, you know what I'm talking about.


Anyway, I just want to give a shoutout - Thank you Brian! You have helped so much more than you needed to and you've helped the family so much. You are welcome anytime at our household and you know that we love to see you. No promises about the roof though...

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