Thursday, July 3, 2008

World of Warcraft

Well guys it was only matter of time. Most of you probably already know-I'm a nerd. Or, well, I just have most of the characteristics of one. But of course it's really hard to classify me into any category unless you've got one titled "Joe" or "Other". But I am a gamer and a gaming nerd for that matter. So really it was only a matter of time before I was naturally drawn to World of Warcraft, the same way that carpenters are naturally drawn to a Lowes store.

But of course I'm not paying for the game! Blizzard has set up a ten-day free trial system for the game but there's no way to keep someone from going through it more than once. In other words, I get to play on a trial account for ten days and then when that one runs out I get another. Genius huh? I doubt I'll buy it but I have to say that it is pretty damn fun.

If any of you are interested in trying world of warcraft free for ten days (or more if you do it my way) then go here.

If you're not interested, then here is why you should be.

Trust me, it's worth trying.

Oh the epic quality of this game... to stand there with the Alliance by my side... you really have to play it to understand.

(Dwarven hunter ya'all!)

1 comment:

Bronte said...

havent changed a bit :)