Monday, July 21, 2008

Spinning Again

Well I'm spinning around again. Last time it was spinning around without morals. This time it's spinning around without anything to do. I usually run into this at some point in the summer, so it's no unwelcome surprise. It's still unwelcome, just not a surprise.

I don't know why but I am definitely bored most of the time recently. I find myself lazier than usual (and that's saying something)-I oftentimes end up unintentionally accomplishing nothing in a day, except for lounging around. It's nobody's fault except perhaps mine, but I realize I'm going to have to be more productive sooner or later. Or at least more interesting and engaged. This past week has just seemed dull.

I suppose, when I think about it, the price to having nearly limitless time on your hands is that you don't have anything to do with it. Ironic, huh?

To try to change things up a bit, the other day I decided I would get in my bathing suit and ride my bike through the fountain downtown showed above. And of course I did. And on a hot July day in Boise, that was just the thing I needed. Something as simple as that changed my outlook on my day from "dull" to "interesting". Because I tried something new.

While that was a great fix for one day, but I doubt it will help me on a consistent basis. So I will have to find something to do with my time. Something constructive and fun that will leave me feeling good about the day when it's all said and done. What could it be....

Conversation in my head:
Maybe I could blog?
Get ahold of yourself Joe, you're not that desperate!

1 comment:

Bronte said...

miss ya!
fountains r fun.