Monday, January 26, 2009

Breaking the Weekend Down

Friday -
Varsity Hockey Game. We tied, 2-2.
Band performance. We got asked to come back the following night, even though it wasn't scheduled.

Saturday -
Varsity Playoff Hockey Game. We lost, by a considerable margin. A goalie had to step in for ours, and he wasn't any good. Final score was something like 9-1.
Band performance. Pretty good, but they had something planned for halftime, which was kind of frustrating, seeing as we were asked to come and play.
Soc-hop. Came right after the game. Kind of a flop, and I didn't really dance, but still kind of fun. The student body managed to get glow stick all over the place, throw some at the DJ, and break one of the windows up front. I think that was kind of funny.

Sunday -
Helping Jessica move. What a pain. Seriously, it took forever. Having my aunt Terri there helped though.
Band practice. Not BK Band practice, but practice with a more personal band called Event Horizon. I play keyboard, obviously. I didn't get to play much, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.

Monday -
Oh, but nothing could quite prepare me for Monday...


Jillian said...

I'm Jillian.
I just followed your blog, and when I do that, I always like to leave an introduction.

My initials are also JC (assuming those are your initials), people call me JC all the time.

I am also 14, a freshman at VA, here in Chicagoland.
I have been playing Piano since the age of 3.

Hockey is one of my favorite sports, well mostly going to the games, seeing as I can barely ice skate in and off itself.

I have a band, in which I play Bass guitar, guitar, and piano.

I like running, and laughing.

I'm a big photographer.
And I paint.

I found your blog through Bronte's.

Looking forward to your next post!

Bronte said...

i wrote u something!
cept i just took a huge hit to my head in my bbal game so idk how it turned out
its on my blog
love u miss you