Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Out Of Hand...

For any of you around watching the ridiculous spam-a-thon of my blog a couple days ago, you won't be surprised to hear that I'm restricting comments to actual users now. To comment, you have to sign in. It may be annoying, and I didn't really want to do it, but trust me, it's justified. I had over 50 comments on my last post. Next to all of them were spam.

My programming class are the ones to blame here. In the course of a single class period they left the most ridiculous string of comments I had ever seen on my last lyrical post. It was kind of funny at first, and I almost considered keeping it up for entertainment purposes, but it soon got out of hand. Anti-semitic comments, trying to post my email account, and links to annoying pictures soon made action necessary.

So. I deleted every single one of the comments (even the positive ones, and a thank you/shout-out to Micheal Moriarty and Thomas Allan Hawk for sticking up for me) and restricted the settings on my blog.

Listen, I've had this sort of thing happen to me before, in very different ways. But the point's the same. It may have been funny for a second, but enough is enough. It's gotten to the point where it's just annoying and malicious. So please, I've had enough of the vandalism for one blog's lifetime. Go mess up 4chan or something.

In other, less chastising news, the BK christmas concert is coming up! We do it every year as a tradition, and this time around I arranged Wizards in Winter for the event. This is going to be pretty cool, trust me.

Come if you can!

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