Monday, December 3, 2007

A little bit of Christmas

Sorry I haven't been writing daily for a while, but ever since the teachers realized that finals are coming in two weeks, they've been doing their best to get in those final big assignments. I came home with nearly six assignments in english and speech. And the weekend caught up with me this morning.

I woke up this morning to hot water. But I wasn't laying down, I was standing up in the shower. I had actually sleep walked into my bathroom, climbed into my shower, and turned on the water. All this, unconscious. And better yet, when I finally got out of the shower and got all my stuff ready, I took a look at the clock. 3:00 A.M. Why did I get up that early? I laid back down, exhausted, onto my bed and slept for another three hours before waking up again to go to school.

Luckily, the day turned out better than I had expected as far as homework goes. I finished my grammar assignments in class and passed it in without my teacher realizing I had done it off his notes on the board.

But that's not what I'm talking about today. Today is one of the first days of advent, and it really is a transitional day. I'm starting to feel the windy cold and the christmas spirit is beginning to seep up out of the ground to cheer us up. We put a reef on the front door, and more importantly, the tin man in the picture. As you can see, Christmas is already starting to infect us with happiness. Don't you love it?

To top off the metaphorical christmas transition cake, I'm playing at a christmas concert tomorrow with the band at 7:00 P.M. I have several soloes slash one-on-one accompiniments. I'm nervous, but I'm sure I'll do just fine. I hope...

My aunt will be here in town in these coming weeks while my parents leave for San Francisco. (They're trying to figure out some chemo...)

"Christmasttime can be emotional, it may bring parties or thoughts devotional..." - Silver Bells

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