Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday Procrastination

Boy, how I wish that I was here this weekend.

But no. That couldn't happen. I was supposed to hang out with a couple of good friends today (including the one who got my bracelet when I died (see yesterday's post)) but neither of the two have bothered to pick up their phone. So now I'm at home in front of my computer, writing yet another post. Needless to say, my accomplishment meter for the day is plummeting.

Now the real dillemma on days like these is whether or not I should do my homework. Now I hate to admit it, but quite frankly, I never do homework on Saturday. I'll do nothing all Saturday and work all day Sunday. I think that this is relatively normal for most ninth graders; they procrastinate as much as possible. But the only reason I ever get things done is if they're neccessary. So if I've got three days to do something, chances are I'll do it on the third day.

The only thing interesting I've done all day is get all my new ski gear at the annual ski swap for a pretty penny. My parents were quite distraught when they found that I had grown to the point where every single piece of equipment from last year had to be replaced. So after two hours of hectic shopping, trying on boots, and giving dirty looks to people who took equipment we had our eyes on, we finally had all our new ski gear for the family. I was ready to shred up the mountain.

The skiing season should be fun. I can't wait for some good snow. Unfortunately, homework can and will wait for today. I'm sure I'll regret it tommorrow. Procrastination doesn't get me anywhere, but I'm going to enjoy my wasted time.

If it weren't for the last minute, I wouldn't get anything done. - Anonymous

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