Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Blogger's Block

I had no idea what a pain in the ass writing a daily blog could be. Even with Monday off, it's still difficult to come up with a subject every day. And then I have to go find a picture and a quote on that subject. I should be getting extra credit for this sort of thing.

But I'm not. So for today, I'll tell you about my normal day schedule. I have to get to school at 7:00 A.M. everyday for the school band. The band teacher is cool and sometimes let me skip band if I need to catch up on schoolwork.

The real day starts at 9:00 A.M. with my first subject - Health. Let me put it kindly, I hate health. I can't say anything about the teacher. There's kids at my school who read my blog.

Second subject - English 1. Now my english teacher is, well, vivid. He's a great english teacher and this is one of my favorite subjects. I'm happy to have it for two semesters.

Break - pretty self-explanatory.

Third subject - Geometry. A pretty good subject to me; I've always been good at math. On top of that, I rarely ever get homework in that class. But it still is challenging, even for me.

Fourth subject - Conceptual Physics. As its name would suggest, it is quite an advanced class and is difficult, but once you get into the routine, the subject is easy so long as you understand the concepts.

To be continued...

"If you think that education is expensive, try ignorance" - Derek Bok

1 comment:

Michael Moriarty said...

Little brother, you must relax about school alittle bit, and be more diligent in your studies. Listen here, its really not as bad as you think it is, and more so, you are more capable to suceed then you think. The best way to stave off anxiety is to live in the moment, experience the now. Work with a goal in mind, but pay little attention to desires of tomorrow...